The kids just woke up...

They are checking out the Thomas-train.

..and now its time for opening up the presents.

Just had to try the truck before we went home.
The ball he won at the zoo and Lambi makes a perfect pillow..
He wasnt the only one who was tired!!
A picture of the few but happy people that danced around the pole!
Morris great grandmom who turn´s 90 in september!
Bianca is doing her own little dance on the table!
After our little dance around the pole we went to our friends house.
There we just enjoyed the company and ate!
Morris spent most of his time in the sand....
A lot of talking and volleyball-playing.. ok ok some drinking too!
Billy and Bianca are chilling!
There he is, I dont think it will be too long until he has one of own!!
Morris is totally impressed with these cars, so maybe it will be a future father-son project?!
The cars went by as we were standing there talking but at the speed these cars are going it took them about 1 minute or less too catch up with them!!
Here we are at the summerhouse in the tub.....
Here they are enjoying the warm wather!! Long after Bianca and I gave up, Morris was still in the water...